Saturday, May 13, 2023

Badboy buggy 4x4 electric needs a throttle switch that is NO LONGER AVAILABLE, good batteries $3995

Badboy buggy 4x4 electric

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Mad Max GTW Rear flip flop seats are $375 carryout or $500 installed for EZGO RXV only ,have some cheaper VEVOR SEATS for $300 carryout or $425 installed for EZGO txt , G16 Yamaha or ClubCar.Also have replacement cushion sets for your existing seat for $100 back and bottom (plastic base ,not wood. NO MORE ROT)

Mad Max GTW Rear flip flop seats are $375 carryout 
or $500 installed for EZGO RXV only (5 instock)
I have some cheaper VEVOR SEATS for $300 carryout 
or $425 installed for EZGO TXT ,G16 Yamaha or ClubCar 
instock units only , I only have 1 of each

Monday, May 1, 2023

Clubcar needs engine $1000